In the beginning, the elohim created skies and earth.
Welcome back. Let's think about Jesus of Nazareth.

Christianity owes a huge debt to science. It purges superstition. For example, the pictures in this post are a depiction of what a first century Jewish man from Judah would have looked like.

My question is this: since Jesus would not have remotely resembled the long, flowing haired blue eyed Jared Leto-looking-Jesus so popular today, would a Jesus resembling this Jewish guy be loved by conservative Christians?

Think about this too: in the Gospel of Matthew, the soldiers who came to arrest Jesus had to rely on Judas to single him out. If Jesus had looked like Ted Nugent, then Judas's ass would have been the only thing he kissed that night when he kissed it good-bye.
Things that make you go hmmmm!
One more thing, would this guy be profiled in our great Christian Nation? Would he be detained ever?
You Alaska too.
Indeed, Christianity owes a huge debt to science. So how does this change how we think about Jesus of Nazareth and Jesus the Messiah?
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