Friday, August 9, 2013

Christianity for the next 1000 Years

In the beginning, God created skies and earth.

Welcome back.  Thanks for visiting.  I hope my words today give you a sense of being okay with your faith if you are someone who wants to have faith in our modern world.

I have been writing about cosmology.  I can think of only one statement in the Bible that was insightful and accords with what we know today.  Job wrote that the world hangs on nothing (26:7).  In other translations, the world is suspended on nothing.  

Well, we know our planet is not suspended.  It is moving on its axis and in orbit around the sun.  Nonetheless, we have here an ancient writer whose mind grasped for outer space without him really knowing there was an outer space.

In his mind, the skies rested on a foundation of mountains and the earth just sort of floated.  Or did he imagine that entire cosmos was suspended, including the realm where God and the heavenly host lived?

In our world, gravity is a property of mass.  Planets and stars tug on one another in outer space.  Without gravity, everything would just move in a straight line.  Instead, solar systems and galaxies are moving through space and time.

This is what Being does and our God, who is love, empowers it.


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