Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Absolutely Most Awful Monsters of the Bible

In the beginning, the elohim created skies and earth.

Welcome back.  I hope everyone's holiday was as restful as mine.  

This is my final installment of Monsters of the Bible in keeping with the recent, yet now faraway, celebration of Halloween.  

I really do need to plan these things before the holidays so I can write a little more deliberately.

The absolutely most awful monsters of the Bible are certain people who read it and preach it.

Let's face it.  There are a lot of people who read the Bible who can be very scary.  They are no different than volatile Muslim fanatics exploding themselves, and anyone else within dynamite distance, over a sarcastic comment about their book.

There are a lot of people who preach the Bible who can be as scary as a maniacal Muslim imam.

There are two kinds of monsters who emerge among fanatics. There are monsters who say, "Boo!" and monsters who burn other people.


We've all seen them.  The names have changed, but the deeds are the same.  Most of the deeds are expressions of condemnation.  

John Darby of the 19th century despised the world so much he imagined the rapture, a supernatural escape hatch that only his theological kind might flee through, and then he imagined a scenario where his god murders lots of people.  

Yes, people believe this rubbish today.  We recently had a president who may have geared his Middle Eastern policy on this lousy doctrine.  Boo!

Pat Robertson and his 700 Club Christians pray for jets to crash so their imaginary theological enemies might die...of course...along with the 700 Club members who might happen to be flying on that jet that day.  Boo!

Westboro Baptist members picket the funerals of our national human treasure sacrificed in war.  Boo!

Get the picture?


Some monsters read the Bible and are inspired to murder our God's children.

The list is long, but below are honorable mentions:

Those who stoned Stephen in Acts
Those who burned heretics after the Edict of Milan
Those who murdered Jewish people
Martin Luther and John Calvin
Those who burned Protestants
Those who burned Roman Catholics
Bloody Hank VIII, Bloody Mary, and Bloody Beth
Puritans in Europe 
Puritans in America
Puritans in Salem, MA
John Brown
Jim Jones

These are quite prominent in the way they read the Bible and then killed people in order to express their fervent desire to serve their lord.

They were certainly not acting as disciples of Jesus and his father of love.

So if you are reading the Bible today and the voices from it are not telling you to love your enemies, but to kill them, then put the book down and go to a shrink before you become a monster.


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