Friday, November 1, 2013

Scary Bible Charcters

In the beginning, the elohim created skies and earth.

Welcome back.  In keeping with the Halloween theme, I would like to write about scary Bible characters.  I'll save the scariest for last.

Samson gets my vote for a scary Bible character.  Here is a man with lots of power, but no brains.  He's so stupid he tells Delilah his secret.  Although she has unquestionably demonstrated that she means him harm, Samson tells her that cutting his hair robs him of his strength.  Darwin Award for this guy.

Indeed, Samson is scary because his power weighs not on the balance of wisdom.  He is a danger to himself and others…and so the story goes when he is blinded because he is dumb enough to divulge his secret, and when he destroys a temple full of people because he is full of hate.  It was said of Samson that he murdered more people in his death than in his life.  

David is scary.  Here is a man with lots of political power, but no morals. He's king, right?, so he sees a woman he wants to roger, right?, and he takes her, right?, and he arranges for her husband to be killed, right?  Monster...for sure.  Let's not elect any Davids. 

Elijah was a nut.  Here's a guy with religious devotion so intense he murders the religious leaders of another faith.  Forget the fact that people who worship false idols are spinning their wheels and deserve to be left alone.  If someone tells me that they venerate an acorn, I'm not going to kill them.  If an entire nation of people is persuaded to worship acorns too, I will not murder anyone for the truth.  I will just read my books, rely on reason, emulate our God of love, and chalk national ignorance up to mob stupidity…pretty much what I am doing today.

Judah was a child abuser.  I suspect he was behind Onan's death when Onan refused to impregnate his brother's wife after his brother died.  He knocked up his daughter-in-law under the pretense of not knowing who she was.  

Are you kidding me?  Was Tamar fully clothed, saying nothing to disguise her voice, and was Judah fully drunk during intercourse?

How do you get that close to someone and not know who they are unless you are lying about it.  Judah was willing to let her die until he found out he was the father of her child.  No Father’s Day card for this wicked daddy.

More later.  Blessings...


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