Thursday, August 14, 2014


In the beginning the elohim created skies and earth.

Welcome back. Let’s think about faith.

I awakened this morning at 3:36. I know the routine. In my mind I flail like a captured fish flopping on a deck.

I think that it’s probably best to get up and get busy doing whatever numerous tasks are on my mind to such a degree that I was awakened at such an ungodly hour.

However, I know nodding off during my drive home near the end of my day may nearly end me. That, I wish to avoid at all costs.

I also know I do not want to go back to sleep. If a person really must get out of bed, doing so when awakened is not a bad time. If I go to sleep, I will be wearier when the alarm sounds.

However, if I just lie there in bed and relax, my body will rest. I know this because of science. Sleep studies have shown our bodies rest when we lie still.

Now, that makes sense. I guess I did not need a study to tell me that, but then again, maybe I did since I feel tired just lying in bed thinking about the prospect of awakening, of moving about so early in the morning.

So I just lie there by faith. I do not stir. I trust that in my quietude I am enjoying some level of repose.

My mind invariably drifts into a list of the teacher tasks troubling my slumber. I stay there for a few minutes and then it happens. It always just happens.

I slip into a state of prayer. My thoughts turn to our God of love. I wonder if God ever sleeps and what becomes of universes during such an infinite somnolence. My thoughts whisper to God, howbeit earlier than normal, the three main things I always pray to the ground of all that is.

“I love you. Thank you. Help me.” 

Suddenly, I remember I have not posted the last three mornings so I slide of bed, roust up the Keurig, and here I am.


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